Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hair Loss in Women - Causes

For women patients, Medical Hair Transplant and Aesthetics in San Francisco delivers effective treatments for hair loss. Medical Hair Transplant and Aesthetics operates under the leadership of the renowned Dr. John Diep, a board-certified hair restoration specialist.

A myriad different causes can give rise to abnormal hair loss in women. The normal average frequency of hair loss is in the range of 50 to 100 hairs lost per day. In cases where women begin losing more, they may notice that their hair has thinned out on the top portion of the scalp. 

Heritable factors in women’s genes can influence hair loss. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that roughly 30 million women in the United States have hair loss caused in part by genetic factors that shrink hair follicles. Called female pattern hair loss, the condition most often manifests in patients between 50 and 70 years old, though in some cases it occurs in young women in their teens.

Sometimes, women are prescribed medication that has hair loss as a possible side effect. For instance, women with cancer may undergo chemotherapy that damages hair follicles in the phase where follicles actively grow hair. To learn more about women’s hair loss and treatment options, visit


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  2. Very Nice Blog!!! Hair loss in women is generally occurs due to the hormonal imbalance and during or after the menopause. Mostly hair loss is same as the men hair loss. Hair transplant surgery in India is the best option for men and women to get permanent relief from the hair loss problems.

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